[Box Backup] reset protocol stream?

Paul Nash boxbackup at fluffy.co.uk
Tue Apr 25 13:46:46 BST 2006

Along with my large file backup issues (looks like a 32-bit signed overflow
somewhere), I have a problem with bbackupquery and comparing.  First error
that it hits (maybe cannot open local file) throws the protocol stream into
disarry, so that every file after that throws a 7/42 error as the stream is
out of sync.  Any ideas about quick and easy ways to reset the protocol

I'm thinking of closing and re-opening the socket connection as one option,
which is a bit brute-force-ish, but will probably work.  Otherwise try to
throw away buffers and their contents and hope that it'll all work out.

Ideas about what to do, and where to do it?


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